
Business Policies

Tier Strategies is not a by-the-book, count-every-minute-as-billable type of company. However, we have found that it is beneficial for our team and clients to be on the same page regarding the design and development process, so we have created this list of business policies. When you download the policies a Word document will appear in the bar at the bottom of your screen. Click to open or drag to your desktop to save.

These policies change over time, but the current copy will be kept updated here. These policies are fairly straightforward and detail what both parties will provide and what each should expect. If you have questions, please let us know. The longer document can be summed up in these five points:

  • Every project will have its own outline of work. We call it the scope document. It will define what will be done, when the work will be delivered, and the cost.
  • Any significant changes to the scope will require additional charges.
  • To remain on schedule we will need to talk with you at regular intervals.
  • Payment dates for one-time projects are outlined in the scope.
  • Invoices for recurring services are sent on the 1st of the month and due by the 10th.